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Aquatika - slatkovodni akvarij Karlovac

Aquatika - slatkovodni akvarij Karlovac

location-iconAquatika, Karlovac

Tickets / services / products



Odrasli/ Adults

1.00 EUR

10.00 EUR

Djeca 3-14 godina/ Children 3-14 years

1.00 EUR

6.00 EUR

Mladi 15-18 godina/ Adolescents 15-18 years

1.00 EUR

7.00 EUR

Studenti i umirovljenici/ Students and pensioners

1.00 EUR

7.00 EUR

Hrvatski branitelji/ Croatian war veterans

1.00 EUR

7.00 EUR

Osobe s invaliditetom/ Persons with disabilities

1.00 EUR

7.00 EUR

Obiteljska 2+3 / Family 2+3

1.50 EUR

(2 odrasla + do 3 djece do 14 godina)/ (2 adults + up to 3 children)

20.00 EUR

(2 odrasla + do 3 djece do 14 godina)/ (2 adults + up to 3 children)

Obiteljska ulaznica – dijete dodatno/ Family ticket – extra child

1.00 EUR

3.00 EUR

Godišnja ulaznica djeca do 14 godina/ Annual ticket children 3-14 year

1.50 EUR

20.00 EUR

Godišnja ulaznica 15-18 i odrasli/ Annual ticket adults and 15-18

1.50 EUR

30.00 EUR

Godišnja obiteljska ulaznica 2+2/ Annual family ticket 2+2

1.50 EUR

50.00 EUR

Godišnja obiteljska 2+3/ Annual family ticket 2+3

1.50 EUR

55.00 EUR

GRUPNA - Odrasli/ Adults

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

7.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

GRUPNA - Djeca 3-14 godina*/ Children 3-14 years

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)
*Obavezno stručno vodstvo, po grupi max 30 osoba/ Mandatory expert guidance, max 30 people per group

5.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)
*Obavezno stručno vodstvo, po grupi max 30 osoba/ Mandatory expert guidance, max 30 people per group

GRUPNA - Mladi 15-18 godina*/ Adolescents 15-18 years

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)
*Obavezno stručno vodstvo, po grupi max 30 osoba/ Mandatory expert guidance, max 30 people per group

6.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)
*Obavezno stručno vodstvo, po grupi max 30 osoba/ Mandatory expert guidance, max 30 people per group

GRUPNA - Studenti i umirovljenici/ Students and pensioners

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

6.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

GRUPNA - Hrvatski branitelji/ Croatian war veterans

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

6.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

GRUPNA - Osobe s invaliditetom/ Persons with disabilities

1.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

6.00 EUR

(20 i više osoba)/ (20 and more persons)

Vodstvo na hrvatskom jeziku/ The guidance on Croatian

1.50 EUR

20.00 EUR

Vodstvo na engleskom jeziku/ The guidance on English

1.50 EUR

30.00 EUR

Najam audio vodiča/ Audio guide rent

1.00 EUR

2.50 EUR


0.00 EUR

x Fee :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

{{ promoCodeMessage }}

Note: if the discount promo code is valid, the discount will be applied in the next step

More about the event

Buy tickets for Aquatika - slatkovodni akvarij Karlovac, 01.01.2017. - 01.01.2030. in Aquatika, Karlovac

Adventski popust 20% na ulaznice do 24.12.2018.!

Javna ustanova AQUATIKA – SLATKOVODNI AKVARIJ KARLOVAC prvenstveno je namijenjena djeci i mladima, učenicima, znanstvenicima, akvaristima, odnosno lokalnom stanovništvu, kako bi se razvijala svijest o iznimnoj biološkoj raznolikosti te istovremeno educiralo korisnike kako na održiv način koristiti iznimna prirodna bogatstva Hrvatske u funkciji turizma.

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What is the Booking fee?

The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.

Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .

Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

Booking fee is non-refundable.

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